
Counter strike download free game
Counter strike download free game

counter strike download free game

Requirements and additional information: The version that we offer is version 1.5 that only allows you to play on a local network, because version 1.6 that allows you to play online is a pay-to-play application.


One of the greatest online multiplayer FPS games of the old and also most of the current generations, there is a single player mode to do a standard match with bots but the true value in this game is freely mod-able community servers, which has kept the game alive and feeling fresh to players for ages, i’d give it 5 stars but the only thing is its lacking in value if you dont have an internet connection all the time. Live the thrill of the battlefield on your PC by downloading Counter Strike for free. It has everything basically, Except a good matchmaking system to prove your skill. If you wan’t to play some interesting game modes for Counter-strike, CSS is recommended. For a game that has been out for 11 years it still has really good graphics and gameplay. Download Counter-Strike: Condition Zero for free. With various of game modes there is always something to do in this game.

counter strike download free game

Even tho the game is old and there is a newer version, this one still holds it’s charm. Most of Counter-Strike: Source players moved over to CS:GO when that got released cause of the superior graphics and the ongoing updates to the game, so CSS was being left in the dark, but there is still an active community for CSS. If you want to experience this masterpiece again, It’s the time. Thousands of players have had lots of memories with this FPS game. You may remember this: Fire in the hole!Ĭounter Strike Source PC Game 2004 Overview: Counter Strike Source is an Action, Strategy and Simulation game for PC published by Valve in 2004.

Counter strike download free game